Chateau Dassault label

Chateau Dassault 2015

Red Wine

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Item# 1888-15

Technical data

Surface area harvested: 24,5 Ho (58 acres)
Grape varieties: 75% Merlot, 20% Cobernet Franc, 5% Cobernet Souvignon
Harvesting: from 5 to 20 october
Yield: 33,5 HL/ho


Pruning: double guyot, debuddling
Leaf removal: by hand, on both sides of rows
Green harvesting: if necessary


Winemaking: in small concrete vats with internal temperature control
Ageing: 65% in new barrels - 35% in one-year-old barrels
Ageing period: 14 to 1 8 months depending plots