Chateau Haut-Brion label

Chateau Haut-Brion 1998

Red Wine

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Item# 1657-98

A very good year

Very classic deep, dense color. Although slightly closed, the nose discovers a handsome complexity and immense richness. The whole evolves with an evident softness where a mixture of the suaveness and inky depth of a seasoned Porto comes to mind. The slightly caramelized ripe fruit melds its hint of wood with the more obvious notes of roasted coffee and cacao. The tannin is superb and still dense. Altogether one finds volume with a rich promise of intensity to come. A very good year that one should patiently wait for

Weather conditions

Sum of temperatures : 3354 Celsius
Rain : 537 mm
Days where temperature above 30 Celsius : 22
Harvest : from 15/09/1998 to 30/09/1998